Montessori and the Child with Special Needs

Recently I have received quite a few questions about children with special needs (autism, ADHD, and others) and how they can fit into the Montessori environment. Since many of the questions were similar, it seemed like a good idea to jot down some thoughts about this topic. There are several things about the Montessori philosophy and materials that make it a wonderful option for special needs children, and several things that can cause some difficulty also. Please note that I am speaking in generalities; every school is different so there’s a lot of variation out there.

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What Montessori Really Looks Like

I'm frequently asked these kinds of questions: Do children really do well in Montessori? What kinds of traits does a Montessori child develop? Is Montessori really a better way to learn? I decided to ask for input, and posted this question on Facebook: "Parents, can you share some positive results you’ve seen in your child from being in Montessori?" The answers were amazing!

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Is It Okay for Children to Think They’re Special?

"Oh sweetie, you're so special." I found myself saying this to my 6-year-old daughter the other day and afterward, began to think about the implications of that statement. This MSN Mental Health article warns us that the results of a 24-year-long survey of college students indicate a serious rise in a narcissistic approach to living.

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The Day Montessori Met the iPhone

Bobby and June George have been making a name for themselves in the field of Montessori education for quite a while. They are the founders of The Baan Dek Montessori in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, the first school accredited by the Association Montessori International (AMI) in South Dakota. Recently, they have begun to develop iPad and iPhone applications based on Montessori materials, specifically the sandpaper letters and wooden math materials like the red rods. Called Montessorium, this idea has been met with some skepticism on the part of Montessori teachers and parents. I had a chance to ask them some questions about this new combination of Montessori and technology.

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Celebrating Milestones

A few weeks ago, my husband and I celebrated our 16th wedding anniversary. It was hard to believe that 16 years have passed since we said “I do”, and that in a few years, I’ll have known my husband for as long as I didn’t know him (we met when we were both 20). Pretty much all I can think of when I see this picture of us is how young we look...

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The Power of Reading Aloud to Children

I don’t think I could overestimate the importance of reading aloud to children, even after they have learned to read. Sure, we all read to babies and toddlers, although some of us may not do it as often as we should. But many times we stop reading out loud to children in older grades. We're missing out on a great opportunity.

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Can Children Be Paid to Learn?

Whether a child receives a traditional education or an alternative one, there is always a desire on the part of educators and parents to know just how much the child is learning. Test scores continue to be the holy grail of traditional education, but what happens when you pay children to get higher test scores?

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